Author: Christa

Update Your Bullying Prevention Policy, But Don’t Stop There

Advice for Administrators Bullying remains a concerning and unacceptable problem that impacts approximately 20-30% of any typical school’s student population[1]. This October, schools across the nation are hosting educational events to mark Bullying Prevention Month. These events typically include assemblies,

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Create a Culture of Kindness When It’s Hard to Do!

If everyone agrees that being kind is cool, how come your students still struggle with kindness?  Time to face reality: being kind is not always as easy as we make it out to be! How do we help kids be

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21 Kindness Tips!

How can we create a culture of kindness? What does it mean to be kind? It means a whole lot more than “being nice!”  Instead, being kind involves being aware and concerned about the well-being of those around you- and

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Create a Culture of Kindness Book Signing

“Raising Kind Kids” talk at the Doylestown Bookshop. To purchase a copy of Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School: 48 Character-Building Lessons to Foster Respect and Prevent Bullying, visit Free Spirit Publishing . Use coupon code CULTURE for a

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PeacePraxis Welcomes Associate Heidi Roux

Founding Director of PeacePraxis, Christa Tinari, is pleased to welcome new Outreach Coordinator, Heidi Roux! Heidi’s professional experience is in nonprofit management and program development. She has developed and implemented various awareness and advocacy campaigns in education and around issues

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